Who we are and what we do

We are a small group of locals who advocate for the development of MTB trails in the Hanmer Springs area and we get out there and build trails!

The story behind our success

In 2004 the Hanmer Springs Mountain Bike Club was established by a few local enthusiasts to provide a voice for the establishment, development and future vision for the direction of Mountain Bike Trails around Hanmer Springs. Since then, the Hanmer Springs Mountain Bike Club has worked hard to help develop the fantastic trail network we have today. As a club, and as the voice of all the hundreds of thousands of trail users, we are grateful to the Land owners Ngai Tahu and the forest lease-holders Rayonier for their generous assistance in making this network become a reality.

In its infancy the club hand-built trails with the permission of the lease-holder of the day Carter Holt Harvey. The success of these trails was soon evident and as usage rapidly increased it was deemed necessary to bring in an outside consultant to help provide an overview for the future direction of the network. The resulting report initiated work to improve the quality of trails, provide clear grades for the trails, link the network together and radically improve signage and maps and therefore visitors’ enjoyment of the network. It also highlighted the need for a consistent maintenance programme and that this was not sustainable by a few local volunteers.

This document laid the foundations for the development of the Hanmer Springs Track Network Group. This group comprises local user groups, land owners, lease holders, Council, DOC, Thermal Pools, Business association and Community Board. The group provides a governing voice for the management, funding, and maintenance of the network. As a result, all future track development now requires sign off from this group as well as land owner and lease holder requirements. All new trails become part of the core network and are managed and maintained under the governance of this group.

To assess the best way for the network to move even further ahead, an outside consultant was used to collate a strategic document and provide a clear vision for the future of Mountain Biking around Hanmer Springs. Subsequently other trail user groups had a similar document produced.
The Hanmer Springs Mountain Bike Club produces and reviews their development plan which is presented to the Track Network Group for approval.

Due to our work over the years we have an extremely successful network of trails, used by mountain bikers of all levels and abilities, providing healthy, fun recreation, with virtually no negative environmental impacts. Furthermore, the trail network ensures Hanmer Springs is now a true mountain biking destination. This provides considerable financial benefits to the Hanmer Springs community and enhances the enjoyment of the growing number of domestic & international visitors.

Our Code

Have fun but respect others & the environment!

The way you ride & conduct yourself with others, and the respect you show to the environment has an impact on how Hanmer MTB Club is seen by our community. Please be a considerate trail user and help give Hanmer MTB Club a great name.
All of our tracks are on private land that we have been very kindly granted access to from Matariki/ Rayonier & DOC. We rely on solid relationships that have been developed over many years with the land owners and managers, so that we can have access to these great locations, to be able to build trails and for everyone to enjoy on their bikes.
Below is the basic code that we request all mountain bikers follow. Mostly it’s common sense, but by not abiding by these, your actions can have a very negative impact for the Club. Thanks in advance!
The following Mountain Biker’s code was developed by Mountain Bike NZ in liaison with key stakeholders and DOC.

Respect others

  • Stay in control. So you can safely avoid others and keep yourself intact.
  • Give way to walkers and slow down.
  • Use a bell or greeting when approaching others. Most negative feedback from walkers on shared-use tracks concerns being surprised by bikers approaching without warning.
  • Ride shared-use tracks in small groups. A ‘bike-train’ with a dozen riders displaces other users. 6-8, or less, is a better number.

Respect the rules

  • Only ride MTB and shared-use tracks; stay off closed tracks – including those that are seasonally closed to protect the surface or minimise conflict with other users.
  • Be prepared – take food, water, tools, First Aid and warm clothes. Plan for the unexpected – a change in the weather, an accident or getting lost and late.

Respect the track

  • Don’t skid, cut corners or make new lines. Skidding creates water channels and causes erosion. Use both brakes to slow down without skidding as you approach a corner. Cutting corners is cheating and damages fragile ecosystems.
  • Avoid riding in the mud and rain. Both bikes and walkers damage soft, wet tracks.
  • Clean your bike to prevent spreading weeds like gorse and didymo.
  • Take rubbish home – like banana skins, old tubes and snack wrappers. Rubbish in the outdoors detracts from everyone’s experience.

Respect public access easements:

Some mountain bike rides travel along public access easements through private land. All easements and tracks are well marked. Please:

  • Stay on the public easement track.
  • Leave gates as you find them.
  • Do not disturb stock – cycle slowly through livestock areas.
  • Obtain permission from private landowners if necessary before you set out

Most importantly – Smile! Have fun, enjoy the beautiful scenery & help others out if they need a helping hand.

Membership with HivePass

To join and  support the Hanmer Springs Mountain Bike Club please scan the QR code which will take you to the Hivepass App.  Here  you will be easily guided to register and then you can make a payment to  become a member. The HivePass will soon have special offers and info on what’s happening with the club and the local trails.

Membership runs from 1 August to 31 July 31

Your contribution is hugely appreciated and goes to the continued development of Mountain Biking in Hanmer Springs